How to Prepare to Begin Being Productive

life journaling basics

I am probably not the best person to be giving advice on productivity or anything that has to do with achieving anything. I am a slacker; a lazy, underachieving slacker, who never finishes what she starts, which is strange, because according to my zodiac sign I’m supposed to be a relentless go-getter. 

Undergrad. Degree? Still applying for leave of absence year after year. Losing weight? Still jumping on the scale and acting all surprised (as if I did anything different since the last time I weighed) when I see the figure, then promising to start exercising for the umpteenth time. Starting my business? Still writing lists, upon lists, upon lists on how to actually start my business.

To my surprise however, I am bad-ass at encouraging people to go for what they want and achieving their goals. I don’t get it, tell me your dream, your problem and I’m on it like white on rice. Pushing you to do this, helping you with that and boom before you know it, you are telling me how awesome I am and how much of your life you owe me.

When it comes to me, I am stuck! I know what I want, I know what I have to do to achieve it; but I get stuck on the pier while everyone else is in the water encouraging begging yelling at me to jump in!  And me? I just stand there, petrified, afraid to take the plunge.

Life can get so daunting at times and when this happens it is easy to sink into the abyss of ‘unproductivity’ (is that even a word?). You become demotivated, listless and lazy.

There are those times however when you get a burst of energy like you would after a hit of cocaine caffeine. You become Ms. Productive-look-who-got-her-shit-together, all organised and in control of your shit. Those are the times I like to strike the hammer.

I had that burst of energy recently and here’s how I prepared to begin being productive.

_productivity is an attitude of mind that strives for and achieves the habit for improvements as well as the systems and the set of practices that translate the attitude into action..._

Decluttered My Mind

Often, I become anxious when I think about life. At times it feels  like time is running out. My mind gets so pre-occupied with those thoughts, it goes into a panicky overdrive. When will I die? Does it even make sense I try to do anything with my life? I’m going to die anyway!”

“Oh my god, I’m so old now, my time is running out, how am I going to achieve all the goals I want to before I kick the bucket? Girl do you even know what you really want to do with your life? Is it too late to start over? It’s a buzzing mess inside my head.

Barring all the paranoia, I decided that I was still alive and should concentrate on all the possibilities life granted. But there are so many things I want to achieve, where do I start?

Well I started with de-cluttering my mind. I grabbed a pen and a book and begun making space in my head by writing out all  of my  thoughts.

Arrange into sense and non-sense

A lot of the things I think really makes zero sense, and those  thoughts tend to take up the majority of the space in my head, (did I seriously just call myself stupid!?). So after  freeing up the space in my head. I arrange my thoughts by matter of  importance. This allows me to get a clear picture of my goals and how to go about achieving them. I dump the nonsensical thoughts, (you know the ones that make excuses about why  you shouldn’t jump into the water) then I focus on my goals.

After doing this I broke down my goals into sub-headings and assigned tasks (yeah I spent a long time doing this). So under each goal were the things I needed to do to get closer to achieving them. I also set deadlines for achieving each one. I must say, I felt really accomplished when I finished with my mini project.

What Next?

I have that book with me like a bible! Opened on my desk at the office, on my bed while I sleep, at the table for breakfast, lunch and dinner. EVERYWHERE! It is extremely easy to become distracted, for me at least. So I have to keep this as a constant reminder to get shit done. I’ve begun ticking things off and ticking has never felt so good!

What about you, how do you get back into the game when you’ve tapped out? Let me know in the comments below pretty please with a cherry on top!

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Published by k.b etceterra

An awkward 'adulter' navigating life with a vagina in her teenie tiny corner of the world.

52 thoughts on “How to Prepare to Begin Being Productive

  1. yes yes yes girl you go and you get those goals! honestly, the biggest piece of advice I’ve ever heard that genuinely changed my life was: a good plan executed today is better than a perfect one tomorrow. Fuck the extensive listing and planning and START xx

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Love this! It’s so satisfying to make to-do lists & tick them off at the end of each day, even if just for small stuff – then you feel way more accomplished for your long-term goals 🙂 Great read, I really needed this!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Right! It’s something I’ve neglected doing for a long time…or just doing it sporadically, but as I age I am seeing the value in to do listing in more ways than one. Thank you for reading Tom…


  3. Me too I get those thoughts where I doubt myself and those “time is running so fast”s and I’m getting older I have to do something before I die without even knowing where and how to begin. Yeah I totally feel you sis! Thank you so much for sharing these information with us ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sounds like a good plan you have. As for zodiac signs, well, forget about them. Study real science. Some people work good with lists and organizers. Sounds like you’re young. You get better at these things eventually.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This is soooo me! I tend to panic when I realized I’m already too old and haven’t accomplished anything yet. Ugh! But thanks for the reminders. I should do the same 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much… yes! The panicking is real… 🙈 there is a saying “panic is the vulture that sits on your shoulder” this couldnt be more true. Thanks for giving me some of your time…

      Liked by 1 person

    1. 😊 we have a saying here “one, one full basket,” I think ot applies here…when we pace ourselves and do a little at a time the goal is achieved before youve even realized… thanks for reading…

      Liked by 2 people

  6. I am always in the planning phase but never in the execution phase. I have learned to just close my eyes and just do it before I can think twice, three times…a hundred times about it, before all the fears get stuck and I get stuck with them. Great post and great reminder for me to do it before it’s too late. Thanks.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Decluttering is my ‘go to’ for beginning the process of tapping back in. And for me that usually consists of writing my current thoughts out on paper to clear the million voices, instigators, internal debates etc. I’ve got going on. I usually do this without thinking about what I’m writing or what sentence comes next…I just WRITE! Before I know it, there’s pages upon pages of words staring at me but I feel a lot better afterwards. That’s usually followed with a wardrobe purge, switching stuff around in my home (curtains,furniture etc) And sometimes I even re-touch any dirty walls with a fresh quart of paint. My mind feels clear and I feel motivated/inspired again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yas! Girl you got it the writing is spot on… that’s exactly how I do it… it ends up incoherent and messy… a friend once told me if I want a different perspective in life…walk backwards… or clean or rearrange…or retouch! Thanks for your qonderful comment…!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No problem girl…The cleaning, rearranging or retouching work wonders, I’ll tell you that. Walking backwards?! I’ve never heard of, but will definitely look into it. Thanks for sharing.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. I an a list person myself. Like you great at support and encouragement and fall down on pushing myself. Read somewhere recently to think where you want to be in five years. Start there and breakdown what has to happen to get there. Know it sounds hard but say owning a house – then start saving and paying bad debt down. I’m going to try it – write down where I want to be in five years and what I have accomplished and see what happens.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Ah yes, procrastination and feeling frozen when it comes to starting on your own goals – I know those feelings so well! Sounds like you’ve found a good system to beat procrastination to the curb!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. I understand how you feel and procrastinating is one of my super powers, too. But in reading your post, I’m wondering if your super power is helping people achieve their goals. Maybe your goal should be coaching people to achieve theirs. Just a thought, it kind of leapt out at me when I was reading your post. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You know, I’ve considered this…My degree (if I ever finish) is actually in psychology because I enjoy helping people figure things out…I enjoy seeing people happy actually😊 thanks for stopping bye Lisa…❤

      Liked by 2 people

  11. “When it comes to me, I am stuck! I know what I want, I know what I have to do to achieve it; but I get stuck on the pier while everyone else is in the water encouraging begging yelling at me to jump in! And me? I just stand there, petrified, afraid to take the plunge.”

    This is me! I think I’m actually scared of succeeding. To motivate myself, I need to feel like I’m starting fresh. So I might set a timer, start playing a playlist, or go to bed and start over the next day. But I also can’t wait to get motivated otherwise I’ll never actually do anything. Most times, I just have to start!


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