Over or Under?


Hello everyone I just wanted to let you know, I will be taking a very short break.

There are so many things Im dying to share with you guys 🤗🤗🤗🤗! Ill be back in two weeks with my ramblings on updates, events and new  ventures!

So stay tuned!

In the meantime I have been loving the random facts, so here’s a random question.

How do you place your toilet paper on its holder, over or under?

I put mine over, it’s just so much easier if you have to use your elbows, knees, toes, or chin to roll because your hands are otherwise occupied🙈.


Let’s compare notes on  the proper techniques of bum paper rolling in the comments below☺.




Published by k.b etceterra

An awkward 'adulter' navigating life with a vagina in her teenie tiny corner of the world.

40 thoughts on “Over or Under?

  1. Under – better control when tearing. Ever had the roll go crazy and end up on the floor? Whoa. I think there should be a brake pedal for the dispenser so you only get three squares – my wife would die 😂😂😂😂

    Liked by 2 people

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