Life Is Happening…

When life begins to happen, sometimes the only thing you can do is go with the flow. I have been trying unend, to produce some semblance of a post on here but I have been super busy! So much to gush about, can hardly wait to let you guys in on what’s been happening lately.Continue reading “Life Is Happening…”

Non-Touristy Things to do in St. Kitts || Island Life

So you’ve finally decided to book your dream vacation to that exotic Caribbean Island– St. Kitts. You jump on google and in addition to searching for, ‘how safe is St. Kitts?’ Places to avoid in St. Kitts? Are the people in St. Kitts really cannibals? What is the tourist murder rate in St. Kitts? YouContinue reading “Non-Touristy Things to do in St. Kitts || Island Life”

“There is no one alive who is youer than you”

Liar, liar pants on fire, If you tell me that you have never compared yourself to anyone else, wanted to be like somebody else or jealous, even a teenie weenie bit, of someone else. There are times we just aren’t pleased or satisfied with the person we are.

A safe haven for island babes


all the stuff that's fit to never see the light of day.


I aspire to inspire. Creating words into beautiful messages and sharing it to anyone who needs a little sparkle in their lives.

SOCIOLOGICALLY YOURS, Dr. Vivencio (Ven) Ballano


Hot Mess Memoir

A humorous, honest, hot mess approach to life!