How to Prepare to Begin Being Productive

I am probably not the best person to be giving advice on productivity or anything that has to do with achieving anything. I am a slacker; a lazy, underachieving slacker, who never finishes what she starts, which is strange, because according to my zodiac sign I’m supposed to be a relentless go-getter. 

“There is no one alive who is youer than you”

Liar, liar pants on fire, If you tell me that you have never compared yourself to anyone else, wanted to be like somebody else or jealous, even a teenie weenie bit, of someone else. There are times we just aren’t pleased or satisfied with the person we are.

January and Broke!

The dust has settled, the excitement of Christmas is over and despite all the December planning and budgeting for the longest month in the history of longest months; January has arrived and here you are pockets pulled out, broke and mourning the seemingly longest wait ever for payday!

A safe haven for island babes


all the stuff that's fit to never see the light of day.


I aspire to inspire. Creating words into beautiful messages and sharing it to anyone who needs a little sparkle in their lives.

SOCIOLOGICALLY YOURS, Dr. Vivencio (Ven) Ballano


Hot Mess Memoir

A humorous, honest, hot mess approach to life!