Real Neat Blog Award! Gasp!

wp4phone_20170928083117_0.pngIt is always a great feeling to be recognized by fellow bloggers for the work you put into your blog. Nessa over there at Just Being Nessa, thanks so much for recognizing me with this award. Please go on over to her blog and see what she’s up to guys. Right now she’s walking me through getting over stage fright

the rules for this award:

1. Put the award logo on your blog.

2. Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blogs.

3. Answer the 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.

4. Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs.

5. Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blogs, etc.)


1) We’re all afraid of something, what’s one of your fears?

Dying before I live forever.

2) Which celebrity do you think you look like?

hmmm…I’ve been told I bear a resemblance to Alicia Keys but I don’t think so.

3) Do you prefer muffins or doughnuts?

apple turn overs

4) What’s your favourite chocolate?

ferrerorocherkitkatcadburyohhenrylindt  good luck pronouncing that…

5) On a scale of 1-10, how obssessed with makeup would you say you are?

1… I don’t like make up on me…feels like it’s suffocating my pores, yes, yes, I’m sure there is a ‘try this product instead’ that wouldn’t give me that feeling but I still won’t like it hence I don’t wear, Oh wait, I wear lipstick and mascara once a year to my office’s dinner party…so I guess I do wear it…  I love looking at faces with make up though. Sometimes they make for great entertainment like when you are wearing 2 shades lighter or darker than your actual skin color, the proof is on your neck…

6) What’s one language you’ve always wanted to learn?


7) Who’s your favourite Disney princess and why?

Sleeping Beauty, it’s a love hate, I love her because she gets her beauty rest and hate her because she gets her beauty rest and I don’t




Blushy Darling


Stories for strength

My ?s:

Where are you from?

What did you eat for breakfast this morning?

Dogs or Cats?

What time is it right now?

Have you ever been to the Caribbean?

Outdoorsy or Outdoorsy?

Can you stick your tongue out and touch your nose?


Published by k.b etceterra

An awkward 'adulter' navigating life with a vagina in her teenie tiny corner of the world.

20 thoughts on “Real Neat Blog Award! Gasp!

  1. Thanks so much for listing me! This was a really fun read, you crack me up. I’m so behind in posting the stuff I really want to get up that I will probably intend to do this and then forget in three weeks and never do it so here are my answers:

    I’m from Kingscliff NSW in Australia. As I am writing this it is 335pm on a sunny afternoon. I don’t really do pets but am a sucker for a sweet dog, I live quite near the beach – like within a couple of hundred metres so we are naturally outdoors a lot but I actually love me some couch time too. I have traveled a bunch but never to the Catribean. I know!!! Madness. And now I have forgotten if there are anymore questions. Hang five. I’ll be back!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooooooo we are on holiday so I had a lazy breakfast of peanut butter in toast as that is what was around. And i just discovered (not for the first time but I couldn’t remember) that actually I cannot get my tongue to touch the tip of my nose hehe Thx again for listing my blog. You and your blog rock. Congrats!!!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Lol… you’ve never been to the Caribbean😲😲😲madness…!!!!! Ive never been to Australia…always wanted to go but the wildlife…🙈🙈🙈 I know chances are I would never encounter the most potentently poisonous Brown snake which Natgeo says is endemic to Australia but.. the thought of scorpions and snakes…and crocs….*shudder* I hear they traverse the streets almost like humans…🙈

      I love the beachh…!!! Could be because everywhere I look on the island i see water…😆

      Thanks for your response…


      1. How awesome to live in a place where everywhere you look is water. Must have an impact on your being, surely? And oh yes, the wildlife. I’d like to say it’s all uncommon but I actually had TWO eastern brown snakes in my house at the same time a few years ago. Nightmare!! So unusual to get the two together apparently. I have the snake catch in speed dial now!!

        Liked by 1 person

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