Giving relationship Advice without sounding like a Bitter Bitch!

So believe it or not, I am an advice guru, giver of all things sage, I kid you not! Where I live, people (those who know me) look up to me for advice, gasp! I even shock myself sometimes at how well I am able to convince people that I know what the hell I’mContinue reading “Giving relationship Advice without sounding like a Bitter Bitch!”

Let’s Talk About Snooping!

While the world has seemingly been thrown into what appears to be a state of utter chaos; babies are still being born, people are still falling in love, breakups are still a thing, people are still cheating and desperate partners are still looking for dreaded answers to their anxiety driven suspicions.

Women go through a ton of Shit- ‘Imma’ blog about it!

I started blogging in June then actively started again in August; so a little over three months, inconsistency and 39 followers after, well 40 (apparently I’m following myself) I am here still a klutz at this trying to find my niche.

A safe haven for island babes


all the stuff that's fit to never see the light of day.


I aspire to inspire. Creating words into beautiful messages and sharing it to anyone who needs a little sparkle in their lives.

SOCIOLOGICALLY YOURS, Dr. Vivencio (Ven) Ballano


Hot Mess Memoir

A humorous, honest, hot mess approach to life!